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邮 箱:kaizhang1014@163.com





2008.9-2012.6: 河南师范大学 化学与环境工程学院,本科

2012.9-2014.6: 南开大学 环境科学与工程学院,硕士

2014.9-2019.1: 天津大学 环境科学与工程学院,博士

2019.1-  至今:  信阳师范学院 yl9193永利官网


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“博落回提取物对鱼肠道抗生素抗性基因接合转移的影响及机制分析”,2021.01-2023.12,在研,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“水环境典型耐药基因污染特征、传播扩散以及健康效应研究,2019.01-2023.12,在研,参与

3. 天津市自然科学基金项目“供水管网典型生物化学环境下抗生素耐药基因消长机制研究”,2019.04-2022.03,在研,参与

4. 国家重大水专项子课题“海河北系(天津段)河湿系统水污染特征分析及水资源调度利用技术”,结题,参加

5. 国家重大水专项子课题“海河干流上游段水生态环境质量提升关键技术与工程示范”,结题,参加

论   文

1. Zhang K, Xin R, Zhao Z, et al. Mobile genetic elements are the Major driver of High antibiotic resistance genes abundance in the Upper reaches of huaihe River Basin[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 401: 123271.

2. Zhang K, Xin R, Zhao Z, et al. Antibiotic Resistance Genes in drinking water of China: Occurrence, distribution and influencing factors[J]. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2020, 188: 109837.(ESI Highly cited Paper)

3. Zhao Z, Zhang K, Wu N, et al. Estuarine sediments are key hotspots of intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes: A high-throughput analysis in Haihe Estuary in China[J]. Environment international, 2020, 135: 105385.

4. Xin, R., Zhang K., Wu, N., et al. The pollution level of the blaOXA-58 carbapenemase gene in coastal water and its host bacteria characteristics. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 244: 66-71. (co-first author)

5. Zhang K, Zhang Y, Xin R, et al. Variation pattern of terrestrial antibiotic resistances and bacterial communities in seawater/freshwater mixed microcosms[J]. Chemosphere, 2018, 200: 201-208.

6. Zhang K, Niu Z G, Lv Z, et al. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in water supply reservoirs in Jingjinji area, China[J]. Ecotoxicology, 2017, 26(9): 1284-1292.

7. Niu Z G, Zhang K, Zhang Y. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in the coastal area of the Bohai Bay, China[J]. Marine pollution bulletin, 2016, 107(1): 245-250.